Sunday, April 22, 2012

VCQ #2 April 22nd

It was another great day of racing. Hard fought events with some really close finishes. Hope to see everyone out at the next Veledrome Challenge Qualifier on May 13th. Yes, it is Mother's Day but we will still put on some good racing for you.

B Group
77 Scott Zachary
123 Murray Mike
525 Mamanski Dave
520 Szabo Larry
300 Stonas Bernhard
848 Harris Martin
29 Tortorelli Steven
678 Tsuruda Tim
528 VanGundy Kevin
513 Hulzar Korina
9 Bhatia Shannon
B Scratch
1st Scott Zachary
2nd Kevin VanGundy
3rd Bernhard Stonas
4th Steven Tortorelli
5th Korina Hulzar

1st Scott Zachary
2nd Kevin VanGundy
3rd Tim Tsuruda
4th Bernhard Stonas
5th Dave Maminski

1st Kevin Van Gundy
2nd Tim Tsuruda
3rd Bernhard Stonas
4th Steven Tortorelli
5th Martin Harris

Points Race
1st Tim tsuruda
2nd Steven Tortorelli
3rd Scott Zachary
4th Kevin VanGundy
5th Korina Hulzar

B Omniun
VanGundy Kevin 19
Scott Zachary 17
Tsuruda Tim 15
Tortorelli Steven 9
Stonas Bernhard 8
Hulzar Korina 2
Mamanski Dave 1
Harris Martin 1

A Group
1st Sam Milroy
2nd Keiran Cox
3rd Dave McCook
4th Alex Farioletti
5th Daniel Farinha

1st Alex Freund
2nd Daniel Farinha
3rd Rob Evans
4th Garrett Hankins
5th Andreas Freund

1st Daniel Farinha
2nd Rob Evans
3rd Rick Adams
4th Dave McCook
5th Alex Freund

Points Race
1st Fergus Tanaka
2nd Rob Evans
3rd Adreas Freund
4th Garrett Hankins
5th Mark Andersen 

A Omnium
Farinha Daniel 13
Evans Rob 13
Freund Alex 8
Tanaka Fergus 7
Milroy Sam 7
McCook Dave 5
Cox Keiran 5
Freund Andreas 4
Hankins Garrett 4
Adams Rick 3
Farioletti Alex 2
Andersen Mark 1

Sunday, April 8, 2012

VCQ #1 April 8th

Thank you to all who took time away from your families on Easter Sunday to come out and race. We had two good sized groups lined up to contend from bragging rites for the first Velodrome Challenge Qualifier. The Keirins were hotly contested in both groups through the qualifying heats and all the way to the final. Sam "Maximus"Milroy dominated the A group finale by coming from the back  and riding clear to the finish line with only Dave McCook able to stay on his wheel. Unfortunately Alen V. and Alex Farioletti brushed elbows coming to the finish line and Alen's front wheel came off the ground just a few inches causing him to take his tumble. Neither rider did anything wrong, just a result of both riders driving hard to the line with elbows out and heads down. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Alen.  In the A group scratch race Dave McCook remained calm and in control by attacking early, but then being reeled in. He waited until the final lap to chase down the breakaway and come around for the win. Zachary Scott also set himself up as the man to beat in the B/C group scratch race by attacking, chasing and finally winning from the front. The A group points race was exciting and challenging with Rob Evans edging out Martin Acosta by one point for the win. All sprints were fiercely contested with numerous riders scoring points. The B/C group also rode hard to try and score points but our man Zachary still came away with the win. In the A group miss&out two riders attempted to a breakaway early on but could not hold off a fast moving field. Dave McCook and teammate Martin Acosta controlled and dominated in the end to take the top two places. Once again Zachary Scott showed that his other wins of the day were not just pure luck, by finishing ahead of every one else for the final B/C race.

Results VCQ #1
B/C Group

Martin Harris

Michael Salipante

Shannon Bhatia

Bernhard Stonas

Vaughn Fisher

Dennis Pederson

Zachary Scott

Justin Leong

Dave Mamainski

A Group

Rob Evans

Martin Acosta

Heather Ross

Matthew Abdalah

Mark Andersen

Sam Milroy

Vincent Juarez

David McCook

Ben Dodge

David Allen

Alex Friend

Russell White

Paul Malanke

Greg White

Allen Vugrincic

Kieran Cox

Alex Farioletti

Fergus Tanaka


B/C Final

1st Zachary Scott

2nd Bernhard Stonas

3rd Dennis Pederson

4th Justin Leong

5th Vaughn Fisher

A Final

1st Sam Milroy

2nd Dave McCook

3rd Alen Vugrincic

4th Alex Farioletti

5th Martin Acosta

6th Mark Andersen

7th Vincent Juarez

8th Alex Friend

B/C Scratch

1st Zachary Scott

2nd Dave Mamainski

3rd Dennis Pedersen

4th Michael Salipante

5th Bernhard Stonas

A Scratch

1st Dave McCook

2nd Rob Evans

3rd Alex Friend

4th Martin Acosta

5th Fergus Tanaka

B/C Points Race

1st Zachary Scott

2nd Dennis Pedersen

3rd Bernhard Stonas

4th Dave Maminski

5th JustinLeong

A Points Race

1st Rob Evans

2nd Martin Acosta

3rd Greg White

4th Fergus Tanaka

5th Russell White

6th Dave McCook

B/C Miss&Out

1st Zachary Scott

2nd Dave Maminski

3rd Bernhard Stonas

4th Dennis Pedersen

5th Shannon Bhatia

A Miss&Out

1st Dave McCook

2nd Martin Acosta

3rd Alex Friend

4th Fergus Tanaka

5th Greg White